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Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your job search and you’re just not feeling it anymore – with no calls from companies yet, no replies from recruiters, no nothing?

We feel you. Looking for a job is a job in itself (with no pay!). It can be daunting, time-consuming, and frustrating but we have good news: you can refresh your job search today and carry on! Here are a few tips.

1. Remember your “why”

Your “why” is the fuel that will keep you going when things look bleak. It is your north star when things go awry – in life and even in your job search. 

So ask yourself why you started in the first place. Why do you want to land this job so much? Maybe you want to help make the lives of your family better. Maybe you want to get away from a toxic work environment to take care of your mental health. Or maybe you want to make a positive impact on communities and pursue a career larger than yourself.

2. Evaluate your job search game plan

Now that you’ve nailed down your “why”, you need to revisit your job search game plan or craft one if you don’t have it yet. This game plan will help you be more effective in your job search and strategic in what you share with recruiters and prospective employers.

Check if your goals are clear and practical

What industry do you want to work in? What company culture do you want to be part of? Considering your skills and experience, which jobs do you feel like a perfect fit for? Do you want to work full-time or do you want flexibility when it comes to your time? What pay grade do you want? 

Before sending out your resume, you need to articulate your job goals and preferences as these are the foundation for an effective job search. These will also guide you on what to put on your resume and help you refine your job search strategies.

Rethink your job search strategies

Get back to the drawing board and assess whether your current strategy for landing your dream job is effective. Outline what worked and what didn’t and resolve to stop doing those that don’t bring in results. 

As Albert Einstein famously said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” So you need to pinpoint where your job search problem is, stop doing things that don’t work, and determine the right courses of action.

Resolve to be a proactive job seeker

Instead of just waiting for recruiters and prospective employers to reach out to you after sending in your resume, you need to be active in reaching out, making follow-ups, and getting the job that you want. Network with strangers, ask for help from your friends, reach out to current employees of the company you are applying to, and regularly check job postings. 

A survey found that 51% of recruiters and 70% of talent acquisition leaders say that active candidates have better motivational drive than passive candidates. This is because a job seeker who shows interest and engagement is more likely to be invested in the job position and has a higher chance of success.

3. Revamp your job search collaterals

Now that you’ve pinned down your goals and reassessed your strategy, you need to check your important job application documents and see if there is something that could be improved or that needs to be updated.

Target your resume on the specific job opening

This is especially important when sending out your resume to multiple job postings. You need to tailor your resume to the specific requirements of the job and the specific culture of the company. And since most companies use ATS to filter through thousands of resumes, you need to incorporate keywords and skills that are specific and relevant to your target job description. This way, your chances of passing through this digital gatekeeper (i.e. ATS) are higher.

Polish your cover letter

A recent survey run by OnePoll on behalf of ResumeLab found that even if submitting a cover letter is optional, 77% of recruiters will give preference to candidates who did send a cover letter. With this, make sure that your cover letter is optimized and polished. 

A well-written cover letter shows your professionalism and confidence as it spotlights your skills and the value that you can bring to the company. Don’t forget to tweak your cover letter for each role you apply to.

Maximize the power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is still the most-used channel for recruitment and hiring efforts as 95% of recruiters use it. If your LinkedIn profile is stale and outdated, you are missing out on a lot of job and networking opportunities!

Make sure to update your LinkedIn profile and make it keyword-rich so that recruiters can find you. Read through tried-and-true LinkedIn tips and make your profile a recruiter magnet. Actively engage via LinkedIn by sharing relevant posts and networking with your peers, other professionals, and recruiters. Lastly, look at the LinkedIn profiles of those working in your dream company or those who are doing what you want to do and take inspiration and information from them.

Manage your online personal brand

CareerBuilder found out that 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process. This means that you need to be wary of what you post and share online as this would affect your personal branding and how recruiters and hiring managers might perceive you. 

Further,  54% of employers have rejected candidates based on their social media profiles. So make sure your social media feed is clean and free of potentially offensive and unprofessional posts. 

Take advantage of job search tools

Considering the amount of time and effort a job search takes, it’s critical to not only work harder but to also work smarter. Part of working smarter is taking advantage of tools that are available to help you get noticed by recruiters.

4. Don’t do it alone

Reach out to your colleagues and ask them to scan your resume. Seek mentors who can help you during your job search and interviews. Email your network and ask for referrals, job opportunities, and new professional connections. And allow your friends and loved ones to be on your job search journey to cheer for you and encourage you to keep on keeping on. 

Your job search might take longer than expected, but everything becomes bearable when you have a support system both within your friends and family and your professional network.

5. Celebrate milestones and take a break

Celebrating milestones can boost confidence and increase motivation. Yes, when it comes to your job search, even those seemingly small wins can boost your morale. 

At the end of the day, acknowledge the work you have put into your job goals and reward yourself. This will keep your spirits up and help you build momentum. Most importantly, take a break, rest, and recharge. 

Landing your dream job might take a lot of time, a lot of rethinking, and a lot of hard work. But that is the price you must pay for this dream. The question is: are you willing to pay for it?

Culled from

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