Bookworm Education Services

How to Start Working as a Virtual Assistant

Steps to becoming a virtual assistant

Whether you’re looking to make a career change or simply want to earn extra income, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to start working as a virtual assistant.

Ask a Recruiter: Questions on On Side Hustles and E-Learning Certificates

Side hustles are a great way to increase your knowledge. What I do for JobScan or the resume reviews is considered a side hustle. It’s also a great creative outlet, especially if you are feeling stuck in your career. I often encourage candidates to have side hustles, as this also helps bridge any gaps you […]

Social Media & Job Search

As technology and culture continue to evolve, so does the way people find jobs. A 2019 study showed that more than 1 in 10 recent hires found their current role through social media. Could you be next? Let’s walk through:  The truth is, in some cases, social media could literally make or break your chances […]

Tips on Search and Securing a Job: 13 Tips

Whether you unexpectedly find yourself back in the job market, are trying to leave a toxic workplace, or are just eager to take the next step in your career…oftentimes, when you need to find a new job, you want to find it fast. While there are never any guarantees in the job search, we’ve seen […]

5 Tips to Refresh a Stale Job Search

Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your job search and you’re just not feeling it anymore – with no calls from companies yet, no replies from recruiters, no nothing? We feel you. Looking for a job is a job in itself (with no pay!). It can be daunting, time-consuming, and frustrating but […]

Job Search Spreadsheet

What is a job search spreadsheet? A job search spreadsheet or a job tracker spreadsheet is a master file of all relevant information related to your job hunt. It includes the jobs you are interested in, jobs you’ve already applied for, company names, contact information, interview schedules, people you’ve talked to, and even common interview […]

How to Write a Resume/CV: A Step-by-Step Guide

cv format

Whether you are looking for your first job or making a mid-career transition, knowing how to craft a resume that highlights your strengths and achievements is invaluable. This resume guide will show you, step-by-step, how to write a resume that will get you noticed by potential employers. Let’s get started!